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본원에서는 60여 명의 전문 의료진이 보호자님과 마주합니다. 각 센터에서 석·박사 및 강사급 의료진이 진료하고 있으며 최상의 진료를 위해 40여명의 숙련된 테크니션이 보조합니다. 본원은 지속적인 장비 투자와 인력 향상을 위한 학술지원, 주기적인 세미나 등을 통해 선진 의료기술로 나아가고 있습니다. 모든 반려동물의 가치와 올바른 반려동물 의료문화 향상을 위해 지금처럼 꾸준히 노력하겠습니다.


전남대 수의과대학 수의영상의학 석사
경북대 수의과대학 졸업


2023. KSVMI Vet MR Camp

2022. Vet Meet Summer CT/MRI/VIRIES Camp in Avignon, France

2018. 춘계임상수의학회 - Three phasic computed tomography angiogrpahy of
cecocolic intussusception with a lead point in a dog

2018. 추계임상수의학회 - The effect of computed tomography angiography
reconstruction kernel on evaluation of vascularity : comparison of a sharp kernel and a soft kernel 

2018. ACVR/IVRA - The effect of computed tomography angiography reconstruction kernel
on evaluation of vascularity : comparison of a sharp kernel and a soft kernel 

2017. ACVR - Correlation between radiographic signs of heartworm infection and the
location of heartworms

2017. 춘계임상수의학회 - Contrast enhanced ultrasonography of gallbladder rupture in two dogs 



2020. AJVR - Effect of Computed Tomography Angiography Reconstruction
Kernel on Evaluation of Vascularity: Comparison of a Sharp Kernel and a Soft Kernel (저자)

2020. Theriogenology - Perfusion change in benign prostatic hyperplasia before and after castration in a canine model:
Contrast enhanced ultrasonography and CT perfusion study (저자)

2019. JVMS - Dual-phase computed tomography angiography of intestinal carcinoid tumor as a lead point
for cecocolic intussusception in a dong (저자)


2021. VRU - A comparative study of sono‐urethrography using saline, agitated saline,
and an ultrasound contrast agent in normal beagles (공동저자)

2019. AJVR - Effect of contrast medium injection rate on computed tomography-derived
renal perfusion estimates obtained with the maximum slope method in healthy Beagles (공동저자)

2019. JVS - Ultrasound-guided transhepatic computed tomography cholecystography in beagle dogs (공동저자)

2019. VRU - Triple-phased mesenteric CT angiography using a test bolus technique for
evaluation of the mesenteric vasculature and small intestinal wall contrast enhancement in dogs (공동저자)

2018. AJVR - Effect of radiographic technique on assessment of liver size in Beagles (공동저자)

2018. AJVR - Evaluation of liver lesions by use of shear wave elastography and computed tomography
perfusion imaging after radiofrequency ablation in clinically normal dogs (공동저자)


2023. KSVMI Vet MR Camp

2022. Vet Meet Summer CT/MRI/VIRIES Camp in Avignon, France

2018. 춘계임상수의학회 - Three phasic computed tomography angiogrpahy of
cecocolic intussusception with a lead point in a dog

2018. 추계임상수의학회 - The effect of computed tomography angiography
reconstruction kernel on evaluation of vascularity : comparison of a sharp kernel and a soft kernel 

2018. ACVR/IVRA - The effect of computed tomography angiography reconstruction kernel
on evaluation of vascularity : comparison of a sharp kernel and a soft kernel 

2017. ACVR - Correlation between radiographic signs of heartworm infection and the
location of heartworms

2017. 춘계임상수의학회 - Contrast enhanced ultrasonography of gallbladder rupture in two dogs 



2020. AJVR - Effect of Computed Tomography Angiography Reconstruction
Kernel on Evaluation of Vascularity: Comparison of a Sharp Kernel and a Soft Kernel (저자)

2020. Theriogenology - Perfusion change in benign prostatic hyperplasia before and after castration in a canine model:
Contrast enhanced ultrasonography and CT perfusion study (저자)

2019. JVMS - Dual-phase computed tomography angiography of intestinal carcinoid tumor as a lead point
for cecocolic intussusception in a dong (저자)


2021. VRU - A comparative study of sono‐urethrography using saline, agitated saline,
and an ultrasound contrast agent in normal beagles (공동저자)

2019. AJVR - Effect of contrast medium injection rate on computed tomography-derived
renal perfusion estimates obtained with the maximum slope method in healthy Beagles (공동저자)

2019. JVS - Ultrasound-guided transhepatic computed tomography cholecystography in beagle dogs (공동저자)

2019. VRU - Triple-phased mesenteric CT angiography using a test bolus technique for
evaluation of the mesenteric vasculature and small intestinal wall contrast enhancement in dogs (공동저자)

2018. AJVR - Effect of radiographic technique on assessment of liver size in Beagles (공동저자)

2018. AJVR - Evaluation of liver lesions by use of shear wave elastography and computed tomography
perfusion imaging after radiofrequency ablation in clinically normal dogs (공동저자)

울산광역시 남구 삼산로 94 이승진동물의료센터 052-258-2516